Create or Find a Board

After registering, you are taken to the Manage My Memberships page where you can now Create a New Board or Find a Board to join.

Create a New Board

Setting up a board for your organization is very simple.

In the Create a New Board section of the page, enter your board's name and provide an optional description. You can always add or update the description later. When ready, click the Create button.

Your new board is created with you as the Owner and Administrator. OMyBoard automatically navigates you to the Dashboard page for your new board.

Find a Board

If you are not creating a new board, scroll to the Find a Board section and enter the board name you wish to join in the Search Boards... input box. If you don't know the full name of the board, just start typing and OMyBoard will automatically filter the list for you.

Click the Join Board link beside the board you want to join and you will be added to the board's membership as a guest. This will give you read-only access to the board. An administrator on the board can change your role to allow you to become a contributor or administrator as required.

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